Making special variables less special in TruffleRuby

1 Making special variables less special in TruffleRuby

Ruby has quite a large set of pre-defined global variables which are special in a variety of ways. Some are read only, some are only defined when others are non-nil, some are local to a thread, and two are really special. Understanding exactly how they behave is hard because you can't normally look in just one place. In MRI for example you may be able to find where the variables are defined in the C code, but you'll also need to trace through many functions to track down everything that happens, and you may find there is some special code in the parser or compiler that changes that. In TruffleRuby we like to implement as much as we can in Ruby, so let's see if we can do that here and make it easier for everyone to understand how these variables behave.

This sort of thing has been done before as a fun demo, but not for actually implementing Ruby itself, even in implementations that try to write as much of their standard library in Ruby as they can.

1.1 Hooked variables

The most important thing we're going to need is a way to define variables with custom behaviour from Ruby. There's a function in MRI's C API which allows this, rb_define_hooked_variable, and several macros and other variants that use that. Since we support those function we already had the capability, but we do need to expose it in a nice way. We don't want to add methods to existing classes that might cause clashes so we tend to put things like this into modules under the Truffle name space. We are also going to want to define a lot of read only variables, so it's probably a good idea to make a method for that as well. In TruffleRuby you'll find these methods in Truffle::KernelOperations, but for brevity we'll just put them under Truffle here.

module Truffle
  def self.define_hooked_variable(name, getter, setter, defined = proc { 'global-variable' })
    # Work is done in here.

  def self.define_read_only_global(name, getter)
    setter = -> _ { raise NameError, "#{name} is a read-only variable." }
    define_hooked_variable(name, getter, setter)

This method is going to take the name of a variable to be defined, procedures for getting and setting the value, and an optional procedure to be used for defined? $my_variable. If you've never used defined? in Ruby it's a little special. It returns the semantic meaning of the expression that follows it. Simple expressions will just return 'expression', method names will return 'method', and so on. If you try defined? $var then you will get 'global-variable' if $var has been assigned to or nil if it hasn't. Some of Ruby's special variables have more complex behaviour so we need to be able to provide a procedure for that.

1.2 Trivial example

Let's see this in action by defining our own hooked variable.

x = nil
  -> { x },
  -> v { puts "Setting $my_var to #{v}.",
         x = v })

Now if you try doing $my_var = "something" you'll see a message saying Setting $my_var to something. You should also be able to get back the value you stored by doing $my_var. Now we know this works let's see if we can define some of the simple special variables.

1.3 Variables related to ARGF

Several special variables are connected to ARGF, they link to properties on that object but can't be written to themselves.

Truffle.define_read_only_global :$<, -> { ARGF }
Truffle.define_read_only_global :$FILENAME, -> { ARGF.filename }

There's also $* which holds the arguments not consumed by the Ruby implementation itself.

Truffle.define_read_only_global :$*, -> { ARGV }

Finally we'll look at $.. This is set by various methods on ARGF and file objects, but it's not actually ARGF.lineno since updating it doesn't actually change that value. Instead we hold it on another instance variable on ARGF like this:

  -> { ARGF.instance_variable_get(:@last_lineno) },
  -> value { value = Truffle::Type.coerce_to value, Fixnum, :to_int
             ARGF.instance_variable_set(:@last_lineno, value) } )

1.4 Other simple cases

Quite a few variables allow writes to them, but include some extra checks. At first glance, it appears we could simply represent these constraints with a lambda. While this is a nice, clear solution in Ruby, it unfortunately complicates parts of the TruffleRuby runtime written in Java. To help keep things simple for both the Ruby and Java parts of the runtime, we've added Truffle.global_variable_get and Truffle.global_variable_set. and we can then use them like this:

  -> { Truffle.global_variable_get(:$stdout) },
  -> v { raise TypeError, "$stdout must have a write method #{v.class} given." unless v.respond_to?(:write)
         Truffle.global_variable_set(:$stdout, v) })

alias $> $stdout

There's a few more like this, and I won't go through them all, but they can all be done as nice simple Ruby.

1.5 But will it optimise?

All the variables I've mentioned so far have a few things in common. They have relatively simple semantics, and they aren't used that that often, or aren't likely to be a real performance bottleneck. But later on we're going to look at some that are used much more heavily and are more complex to implement, so let's talk about what will optimise now.

1.5.1 A normal global

What happens when we run a simple statement like $foo in TruffleRuby? Well, that statement gets parsed into an AST (an Abstract Syntax Tree). In this case the only node we need to think about in the tree is a ReadGlobalVariableNode. When it is run it will look up the storage for that variable and return the result. If it were used inside a loop then it would only lookup the variable storage the first time it was executed; subsequent executions would just return the value from the storage. That should be retty fast, right?

1.5.2 Optimising for constant values

Most global variables won't change their value, and we'd like be able to assume those values really are constant if we can. So the storage for each global includes a couple of extra bits of information. We keep track of the number of times a global has had its value changed, and we keep an Assumption to represent the value being constant. When code is compiled with a JIT (just in time) compiler assumptions are often used to track speculative optimisations, and marking an assumption as invalidated will cause the JIT to invalidate the compiled code. So, how do we use this for global variables?

1.5.3 Specialising

ReadGlobalVariableNode is slightly more complex than I let on. It actually has two specialisations which can be used.

@Specialization(assumptions = "storage.getUnchangedAssumption()")
public Object readConstant(
        @Cached("storage.getValue()") Object value) {
    return value;

public Object read() {
    return storage.getValue();

What this says is that if the assumption is true then we can cache the value of the global, and return constant value without reading it from storage every time. The JIT understands that the cached value is constant, so can exploit that fact when making other optimisations. If the variable is written to then that `Assumption` will be invalidated and we'll fall back to getting the value from storage every time.

1.5.4 But what about those hooked variables we just defined?

Once again ReadGlobalVariableNode is slightly more complex than I let on. It also has cases for global variables with hooked storage. It's not too bad though, because the hooks for a variable must be constant, so we only really need to worry about how fast those lambdas will run. Let's consider the lambda we defined

-> { Truffle.global_variable_get :$stdout }

The global_variable_get method is defined in our Java runtime, and it has two specialisations. Let's take a look at the first one.

@Specialization(guards = "name == cachedName")
public Object read(DynamicObject name,
        @Cached("name") DynamicObject cachedName,
        @Cached("createReadNode(name)") ReadSimpleGlobalVariableNode readNode) {
    return readNode.execute();

The first time the method is called we'll keep a reference to the name of the variable we wanted to get, and we'll create a node to read the value — it's a simple version of the node for reading globals that doesn't care about any hooks. So as long as the symbol stays constant all it will do is execute the read node. As long as the stored value remains constant the read node will just return the cached value, and the JIT can optimise away all the apparent extra work.

1.5.5 Not so constant

All that would be great if we only had that single lambda that did

-> { Truffle.global_variable_get :$stdout }

but we've also got

-> { Truffle.global_variable_get :$stderr }

and many others, so that symbol won't be constant any more, will it? Luckily we have another tool we can use to help with that problem: we can use a fresh copy of the global_variable_get method everywhere it is used in the source. As long as the symbol is constant at each of these call sites things should still work nicely.

1.6 There's special, and then there's special

Next up the difficulty ladder are variables which are local to a thread. To implement $SAFE we'll need a way to return the value for the current thread when it is read and written, as well as checking any new value is valid. This value must not be visible in the normal fiber local variables accessed using Thread#[] or the thread locals accessed from Thread#thread_variable_get, so we'll need something on Truffle::ThreadOperations to do that job.

  -> { Truffle::ThreadOperations.get_thread_local(:$SAFE) },
  -> value { value = Truffle::Type.check_safe_level(value)
             Truffle::ThreadOperations.set_thread_local(:$SAFE, value) }

The only new thing we have here is the ability to get or set a value on the current thread. You might assume those methods have to be written in Java, but they're written in Ruby as well. The get method looks something like

def self.get_thread_local(key)
  locals = thread_get_locals(Thread.current)
  object_ivar_get(locals, key)

The values local to a thread are stored as a normal object with instance variables, and we could have used Kernel#instance_variable_get on locals, except :$SAFE isn't a valid name for an instance variable in Ruby.

Everything here can be optimised in the same way I described above. Accessing instance variables is extremely fast as long as the owning object always has the same set of variables, and so as long as the key stays constant it will just be a field access in an object. Thread.current will be constant if you only use a single thread, and getting the thread locals is just like getting an instance variable. In reality you'll probably be using more than one thread, but it should still optimise well if the method is copied for each call site.

There's only a few other thread local variables, $! which holds the last raised exception, $? which holds the return code of the last child process, and $@ which is just an alias for $!.backtrace. The remaining ones I want to talk about are all connected with regular expressions, and they are even more complex and subtle.

1.7 …and then there's really special

$~ is more complex than you might realise. It holds the value of the last regular expression match done in a variety of ways, and hence is thread local. But more than that it is also frame local. What do I mean by that? Well, try this code in irb and see what you get.

def a(str)
  /foo/ =~ str

def b(str)

a("There is a foo in this string")
b("There is a foo in this string")

The call to a will return a MatchData object, but the call to b will return nil. Even setting $~ in a won't affect the value we see in b. It's pretty useful because no library call you make can unexpectedly change the value of $~ that you might be relying on, but it is going to make our job implementing it harder.

1.7.1 Getting and setting the last match

In our core library we need a way to reach up to the caller and set the value of $~ it sees in this thread, and we'll need to do something similar for the variable hooks. What might a method for accessing $~ in a frame look like? Well we already have a way to represent a frame in Ruby, Binding!

module Truffle
  module RegexpOperations
    def self.last_match(a_binding)
      Truffle.frame_local_variable_get(:$~, a_binding)

frame_local_variable_get will access a hidden local variable in the binding, and then pull out the thread local value stored in there. That thread local storage is implemented in Java, and optimised for the common case that it will only hold a value for one thread.. The same kind of specialisations we're described above hold true however for all these parts.

The variable we want ($~) is constant, accessing a variable in a_binding can be optimized just like access to an instance variable on an object, so the hard part is going to be ensuring that a_binding always come from the same method or block. How can we arrange that, and how can we pass a binding into a variable hook?

Well, we'll change how we handle variable hooks a little. ReadGlobalVariableNode actually has two specialisations for calling a hook, based on the arity of the hook procedure. If it requires an argument then we'll pass in the binding where it has been called, and we'll do something similar for write hooks. We'll also mark the check when declaring the variable, and tell the runtime to split the hooks for each call site if they take a binding.

1.7.2 Defining $~ and setting the last match

With that in place $~ can simply be defined as

  -> b { Truffle::RegexpOperations.last_match(b) },
  -> v, b { Truffle::RegexpOperations.set_last_match(v, b) })

The core library will need to set $~ in callers, and it can do this with set_last_match. It needs to get the caller's binding but we already have a mechanism to do that (it's how we implement Kernel#binding) and it needs to optimise so we spot when it is happening and automatically mark methods to be split.

1.7.3 The other regexp variables

Most of the other variables connected with regular expressions are fairly simple. If the last match is not set then they will be nil, and are not defined if you do defined? $var. Luckily this is quite easy to represent using our define_hooked_variable method. For example $& is simply.

  -> b { match = Truffle::RegexpOperations.last_match(b)
         match[0] if match },
  -> { raise SyntaxError, "Can't set variable $&"},
  -> b { 'global-variable' if Truffle::RegexpOperations.last_match(b) })

Notice that we raise a SyntaxError when trying to set this variable rather than the NameError other variables raise. It's just one of the things that makes these variables extra special!

1.8 Testing performance

Let's check global variable reads and hooked variable reads are still good and fast. If you're wondering why I'm not testing writes it's because they must introduce a full memory fence so the result can be seen by other threads (see the global variables section in the proposed Ruby memory model for details), and that really dominates. Let's try a simple benchmark like

$var = 1
def simple_count
  total = 0
  10000.times do
    total += $var

We'll run the benchmark on MRI, JRuby, and TruffleRubby, and we'll also run it on TruffleRuby with $var defined as a hooked variable. We do see some noise in these benchmarks and it take a few seconds for TruffleRuby and JRuby's JITs to kick in, so I allow the benchmarks to run for a few seconds and then took the average iterations per second of this peak performance. All numbers have been rounded to two siginificant figures.

Implementation IPS
MRI 2100
JRuby 2400
TruffleRuby (normal) 3400000
TruffleRuby (hooked) 3400000

What does this really tell us? Well, it tells us that we've worked out $var is constant and we can still successfully do that when it's a hooked variable, and maybe that has allowed the JIT to get really aggressive with our test. Let's try making $var less constant and see what happens.

$r =

def simple_count
  $var = $r.rand(8)
  total = 0
  10000.times do
    total += $var
Implementation IPS
MRI 2100
JRuby 2400
TruffleRuby (normal) 68000
TruffleRuby (hooked) 19000

So we ar seeing some slowdown, but we're still faster than other implementations. The slowdown we see is quite sensitive to the precise benchmark design. Some showed very little slowdown while this case has is 3 times slower with hooked variables.

1.9 What's left?

After this work there's only two special bits of variable support left in our parser. We still look for $1...$N for accessing captured group in $~. They would be trivial to implement in Ruby, but how high is N? If we want to be exactly like MRI then there should be as many variables as there are capture groups in a the regexp last match, but only the first nine will be listed by Kernel#global_variables. We might handle this by introducing a variable_missing method that would be called if the global variable storage has not already been declared, this could then create hooked variables for captured group variables and normal storage for anything else.

The other special handling we still have is for named captures. If you use =~ on a regexp literal, and it has named capture groups, then the equivalently named local variables will be set to the capture groups. We could write most of that in Ruby, but we'd still need to check for named captures in the parser, and making sure it optimised well would probably require some extra work that we haven't done yet.

Since we saw some slow down from hooked variables in performance testing we may want to look more deeply into that and see if it can be reduced or eliminated, and we migth look at rewriting the storage for $~ in Ruby as well.

1.10 Conclusion

TruffleRuby lets us implement more of Ruby in Ruby itself while still allowing aggressive optimisation to be done. This can help make our runtime smaller and hopefully make it easier for the community to understand and contribute to our implementation.